Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Going out with a BANG!

Well...tomorrow I have my last two classes ever - excluding CLE courses, of course, and perhaps a course or two in beer-making. So, I guess it's more of my last two classes of "formal education."

Anyway, it's been a long run...19 total years of schooling, 7 of which were college. One theme throughout my career has been my proficiency at procrastinating. Occasionally I have done my assignments, papers especially, in advance and it feels great to have it done...but I still wait till the last minute most every time. So it's only fitting that, in my last weeks of school, I have once again procrastinated myself into a corner.

For several weeks now, I have know that I have a 10-15 page paper due at 5 P.M. on Friday for my Law and Literature class. I have even known my topic for a week or so. However, I have waited until this week to do it. Additionally, I have known for a week that I have a take-home final due at 4 P.M. on Friday for my Natural Resources Law class. Today we received our take-home and, to this very minute, I have done NO (repeat: N-O) work on my paper.

Therefore, I have 2 days to:

1) write a 10-15 page epilogue to Edgar Allan Poe's short story, The Purloined Letter (the paper)


2) write my take-home (which consists of basically analyzing 2 recent Supreme Court cases).

Thankfully, neither of them should be very hard...just very time consuming!

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