Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Today it was announced that Rosie O'Donnell will not be returning as co-host of "The View." This announcement comes 2 days after Rosie embarrassed herself at the annual luncheon of New York Women in Communications.

Apparently Rosie thought it was appropriate to make remarks such as dropping the F-bomb and stating it was always her dream to turn on an old, bald billionaire (read: the Trump-ster). Additionally, she made disparaging comments about Rupert Murdoch - news flash: NOT a good idea!

These comments were made in front of an audience including: Meredith Vieira, Arianna Huffington, Rupert Murdoch, Martha Stewart, Hillary Clinton, Judith Giuliani, Judge Judy, a former editor of Cosmo, the E-I-C of Jane magazine, and 17 high school girls (they won scholarships, or something).

Although I'm not offended by her comments (though her fat ass does offend me), they were certainly inappropriate for such an event. I wonder if it affected her contract negotiations. ABC is saying no, stating that they wanted her longer than she was willing to commit to.

Still, I'm glad she's gone!

1 comment:

Artsy Fartsy said...

Jdubs - I'm so glad you have a blog now. I shall be come your faithful commenter, as long as you promise to remain mine! And I'm glad Rosie is gone, too. When she came on the show, it went from "The View" to "Rosie's Point of View." I am definitely interested to see who replaces her.