Friday, April 27, 2007

No Job Update Yet

Well, it's Friday...however, DWL said he hasn't had a chance to speak with all of the shareholders in the firm yet. He's one busy little bee. So that, accompanied with the fact that I need to leave work early to turn in my paper and take-home by 4, means that I will have to wait till Monday to get some idea of my employment status.

Did I mention I'm nervous about it? I had to sit in my office and psyche myself up for 5 minutes this afternoon just to ask DWL about it. Basically, this job is my only current lead out of several firms that I talked to. I guess I'll just have to wait and hope for the best!

Finally Done!

Well, I finally finished both assignments I lamented about in my previous post. I am drained and tired, but I did it. I am not going to do any school work until I get my Law and Literature Take-Home Final on Tuesday. I can't wait!

Still waiting to talk with DWL regarding my job status. He seems quite busy today, I hope he hasn't forgotten.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Going out with a BANG!

Well...tomorrow I have my last two classes ever - excluding CLE courses, of course, and perhaps a course or two in beer-making. So, I guess it's more of my last two classes of "formal education."

Anyway, it's been a long run...19 total years of schooling, 7 of which were college. One theme throughout my career has been my proficiency at procrastinating. Occasionally I have done my assignments, papers especially, in advance and it feels great to have it done...but I still wait till the last minute most every time. So it's only fitting that, in my last weeks of school, I have once again procrastinated myself into a corner.

For several weeks now, I have know that I have a 10-15 page paper due at 5 P.M. on Friday for my Law and Literature class. I have even known my topic for a week or so. However, I have waited until this week to do it. Additionally, I have known for a week that I have a take-home final due at 4 P.M. on Friday for my Natural Resources Law class. Today we received our take-home and, to this very minute, I have done NO (repeat: N-O) work on my paper.

Therefore, I have 2 days to:

1) write a 10-15 page epilogue to Edgar Allan Poe's short story, The Purloined Letter (the paper)


2) write my take-home (which consists of basically analyzing 2 recent Supreme Court cases).

Thankfully, neither of them should be very hard...just very time consuming!


Today it was announced that Rosie O'Donnell will not be returning as co-host of "The View." This announcement comes 2 days after Rosie embarrassed herself at the annual luncheon of New York Women in Communications.

Apparently Rosie thought it was appropriate to make remarks such as dropping the F-bomb and stating it was always her dream to turn on an old, bald billionaire (read: the Trump-ster). Additionally, she made disparaging comments about Rupert Murdoch - news flash: NOT a good idea!

These comments were made in front of an audience including: Meredith Vieira, Arianna Huffington, Rupert Murdoch, Martha Stewart, Hillary Clinton, Judith Giuliani, Judge Judy, a former editor of Cosmo, the E-I-C of Jane magazine, and 17 high school girls (they won scholarships, or something).

Although I'm not offended by her comments (though her fat ass does offend me), they were certainly inappropriate for such an event. I wonder if it affected her contract negotiations. ABC is saying no, stating that they wanted her longer than she was willing to commit to.

Still, I'm glad she's gone!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Good ol' fashioned hate mongering...

Props to my friend Sam for bringing this nut to my attention:

"How we are going to exterminate white people"

The above link has the full's about 9 minutes long. I encourage you to watch it all, but here is the astonishing end:

"Now how do I know that the white people know that we are going to come up with a solution to the problem. I know it because they have retina scans, racial profiling, DNA banks, and they’re monitoring our people to try to prevent the ONE person from coming up with the ONE idea. And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve the problem. *tepid applause* Now I don’t care whether you clap or not but I’m saying to you that we need to solve this problem because they are going to kill us. And I will leave on that. So we just have to set up our own system and stop playing and get very serious and not get diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem onthe planet is white people."

How is this guy any different than, oh, a certain Adolf Hitler? Yes, racism still exists today, but preaching hate and "extermination" is NOT the answer.

The good news is even his own race is making fun of him:

"To the Wisdom of Kamau Kambon pt1"

"To the Wisdom of Kamau Kambon pt2"

The responses are hilarious and definitely worth watching!

Crying like a baby...

Isn't it funny how people talk a big game, but when the chips are on the table, they can't back it up? Case in point...the recent legal developments surrounding "Girls Gone Wild" mogul Joe Francis.

Francis has been sued by 7 girls previously "gone wild." The 7 girls were minors when they were filmed. Francis has been very uncooperative during settlement negotiations, reportedly losing his temper, using obscenities, and even calling U.S. District Judge Richard Smoak a "judge gone wild."

Yesterday, Francis appeared in Judge Smoak's room for a contempt hearing. He was sentenced to 35 days in jail and he cried like a baby throughout the 45-minute hearing.

Message to Joe: Grow a pair! It's 35 do you think the convicted murderers getting LWOP feel?

Monday, April 23, 2007

Job Situation

For those that don't know, I do not have a job lined up for after graduation. However, there might be some new and exciting developments on Friday...more on that later. First, a history of my job search.

My intended future destination as a lawyer has changed since I first started. After two summers of running at a large, corporate, state-wide firm in downtown, I was a quasi-runner/clerk for a good friend of the family ("JHL"). He employed me during the summer before my senior year of college. This translated into clerking with JHL during my 1st and 2nd year summers (though 1st year was mostly Cambridge-filled).

Then one fine afternoon in late July/August last year, JHL asked me to meet with him regarding my future. Fully expecting a job offer there, I was surprised, but equally excited when he suggested applying for a judicial clerkship. Applications were sent and I had a few leads, but no offers from the judiciary. JHL then suggested looking at other firms, all the while being very ambiguous regarding my status with his firm. Though he was quick to put in a good word for me at other firms, none of JHL's recommendations panned out. Finally, I called an old friend and neighbor ("DWL") who happened to be an attorney in Knoxville. His firm needed someone to work during the spring, so I did, and have been doing that since about mid-January.

I have enjoyed my time with DWL and his associates and I would be happy, I think, as an associate there. From the beginning, I was frank with him and made it known that I was seeking a full-time position after graduation. Although I sometimes feel like clerks don't get much recognition (see "Something I've Learned" ), I have tried hard and turned out a satisfactory product. I have even received several compliments from attorneys. Over the past few weeks, as graduation has loomed, I have been tempted to follow-up with DWL regarding my status with the firm. DWL is a very busy man, so I have never felt right bothering him with it. However, today I did.

This afternoon, while sitting in my office, an associate of the firm asked me to prepare a memo. She asked me if I had time to work on it or if she should wait and give it to one of the new guys. Inquiring about "the new guys," she stated the firm was going to hire 2 summer clerks ( I don't think it is a bad sign for me since: (1) the clerks almost have to be 1Ls or 2Ls and (2) I will likely not be working a lot this summer because of the Bar Exam).

Anyway, I took that information as a sign that I needed to inquire about my own employment status. So, I asked DWL, and we are going to meet on Friday about it.

More about this on Friday!

It's a win-win situation...

In an article today, it was revealed that C-Lo would likely be a middle second-round pick in the NBA Draft. Although it delays Chris from making the $$$ another year, it is a win-win situation: Vol fans get to enjoy him for another year (read: increased hopes for a Final 4 ) and C-Lo's draft position should greatly increase with another stellar performance this upcoming season (read: eventually more $$$).

Personally, I am elated, especially since I don't give a rat's doo-doo about the NBA!

It's what separates us from the animals...

Sheryl Crow, in her infinite hippie-wisdom, has decided that people should stop using so much toilet paper. A day after meeting with Big Al in Nashville, she writes: "I propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting." She continues "...I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required."

Good idea, Sheryl...better yet, why don't we do away with toilets all together?! That would save on all the water people use to flush them! Holes in the ground, here we come!

Something I've Learned...

Being a law clerk is kind of a shitty job. You have to do all the behind-the-scenes crap of the legal world, without any of the glory.

Think about it...You, the law clerk, are there to research legal issues. However, you don't usually get the easy issues because, if they were easy, the attorney would probably just look it up himself. Additionally, you are presented with the issue in the middle of the case, so you generally have very little context to work with.

If you find a case addressing the issue, give it to the attorney, who then gets the kudos from the client for winning his case.

If you don't find the case, well you have to explain to the attorney that the search has been unsuccessful, but you know their thinking "What an idiot, how could he not find anything?"

Fortunately, I am graduating in 18 days and then - after the minor issue of the Bar Exam - I will be an associate somewhere, which hopefully includes more of the "representin'" and less of the "researchin!'"

Well, now I have a blog!

Alright, so since I am so addicted to reading several of my friends' blogs, I have decided to make my own. I figure that since I enjoy reading about other people's thoughts, maybe other people would enjoy reading about my thoughts.